Introducing the New 1931 Uptown Theater!
It has been something of a mystery when the 1900 Auditorium was renamed the UPTOWN theater.
This week, Tom Thompson solve this mystery!

Chase County News, 4/15/1931. And…


Advertising opening night.

The opening movie.

Opening night, 4/17/1931. “I wouldn’t have known it was the same place.”

Later movies for April included “Manslaughter” and “Let’s Go Native”, the latter story: “A gay band of Broadwayites invade a South Sea isle and out-hoola the natives.” Golly.

“I love you — but you have flaunted society and you must pay.” Golly.

Young people will have no idea who Claudette Colbert and Frederic March were. Sigh.

While Jeanette MacDonald was a huge star, I have no idea who Jack Oakie was.

Let’s Go Native. Ahhh……golly.

What fun!! I loved reading all the clippings & looking at the ads–all the screen stars of yesteryear!
Hehehe! Jack Oakie was a multi talented actor, mainly known for his comedy. BTW, Paramount is the owner of the film, and they kept their copyright up so these films aren’t on YouTube like others from the era are. They also own the RKO vault, but they put those on the Tube. If you want to see what movies were like from that era, search “pre cod movies” on YouTube…they’re interesting.
What delightful news articles about the opening of the theater. I had no idea it would date back to 1931….much older than I anticipated. Thanks Tom for your continued digging into the history of this building. Also, seeing pictures of the sign and it being moved to a place for restoration is so encouraging. Now if I could only get the GoFundMe up and going. Seems I have some issues with that and will work on it some today. Way to go Tom, Ross and Justin.
Morning, Marilyn!
The GoFundMe is active.
Love all of this!!!
Jack oakie appeared in 87 movies in,the 30s and 40s. he played Napoleon in Chaplin s The Great Dictator.