The interior of the 1900 theater is a ruined shell.
But the Strong City Preservation Alliance is dedicated to getting the theater restored.
In the meantime…
…we thought it would be way cool to bring the theater back to life, you know, now! In order to safely have people inside the theater we needed to wall off the dangerous surviving elements. So, Friday afternoon, Justin Garr and I made a mad dash to get 2x4s, OSB board, and lighting. Then, Saturday morning, Tom Thompson, Roland Hainey, and myself built walls along the east and west sides of the theater. Here, Tom is sweeping.
Marilyn McComber came by with some water and dust masks. THANK YOU! I asked her to sit for a photo with Tom and Roland. The ruined section you are looking at was under the stage.
Today, I spent two hours vacuuming the enormous expanse of concrete. It is tremendously exciting to think that, on Friday, the space with be filled with people! And the smell of popcorn!
How wonderful!! Theatre coming to life!
Wish I could join you! But I’ll be elsewhere, alas, getting ready for Christmas with the family. Have a merry evening, all!